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Home » Faith Formation

Faith Formation Coordinator
Daria Sockey

If you wish to enroll a child in Faith Formation (religious education) class, please contact me at the above email address, or call 814-677-3020 x6 to leave a voicemail. 

Our program runs from September thru April each year. We have a hybrid program for grades K-5 where two classes per month are done in person, by voluteer catechists, at St. Stephen School, and two per month are home lessons where parents teach their children. (Home materials provided--it's easy.)  

Grades 6, 7 &8 participate in a youth group program called EDGE on Tuesday evenings 3x per month from 6-7:30pm.  This takes place at the St. Stephen School cafeteria.  It's a fun program that starts with supper, then games, instruction, discussion, and prayer time. 

Sacrament  preparation:

First Reconciliation (a.k.a. Confession) takes place in Grade 2.   This year the initial (and mandatory) parent's meeting will take place September 28th, 6pm, at St. Stephen School cafeteria

First Holy Communion takes place at the end of Grade 3. This year the initial (and mandatory) parent's meeting will take place September 28th, at 7pm, at St. Stephen School Cafeteria

Confirmation takes place in grade 9. Note that preparation for confirmation is a 3 year program (grades 7,8 &9) so that if you expect your child to be confirmed, he or she must attend religious education for all three years. Grade 9 classes will take place Sundays at St. Stephen School from 11am to 12:15. There are  a total of 12 confirmation class sessions. 9th graders are also expected to attend mass every Sunday (or Saturday evening) and to complete 15 service hours. 

If your child has missed out on receiving a sacrament during the usual grade/year, don't worry. We can make accomodations for this.